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English translation for "range information"

Example Sentences:
1.The theory of using binocular sensor to get range information is discussed in the dissertation
2.Two methods of motion compensation may be applied . one is achieved by the estimated range information , the other one is the range alignment and the phase compensation
3.This allows the internet to pool personal computers all over the world into one huge network , and that s makes it the most wide - ranging information exchange system
4.This allows the internet to pool personal computers all over the world into one huge network , and that s makes it the most wide - ranging information exchange system
5.A method for road extraction from the airborne laser scanning data is presented . in which the range information and the intensity information are combined to extract the road
6.Applying asr technology can achieve some new valueadded services such as voice phonebook , private schedule assistant , fair reminder , mail to speech , wider range information query , interactive entertainment etc
7.( 4 ) three multistatic sonar localization algorithm based on range information are proposed . firstly , the tol algorithm is given . the formulas are provided for both the position and the variance of the position estimates
首先,将tol ( time一only一locallzation )算法扩展到多基地声呐定位中,给出多基地tol算法的原理,并对不同站址布局下,系统的误差分布特点进行了研究,给出了最优的站址布局方案。
8.Therefore , according to the mobility of the aircraft , the present study builts a multi - static location system , which uses the measurements detected by active or passive airborne sensors , when the aircraft is at the different positions . this study proposes two methods for locating sonobuoys . the first one is using aircraft - to - buoy slant range information
9.The simulation results show that the feature point detection and tracking algorithm is feasible . next , matched points based essential matrix estimation is studied . the spacecraft attitude and position parameters are derived from essential matrix and the scale of motion is recovered with range information from laser ranger taken in account
10.The propagation characteristics of underwater acoustic channels and their influences on long - range information transmission are studied thoroughly . based on the sonar equation , the optimal frequency band is abtained . from the calculation about transmission loss , the source level is forecasted . based on the random time varying channel theory , the fading characteristics of long - range underwater acoustic channels are analyzed
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